


Bahnstrasse 114, 66849 Landstuhl
Lindenwiese 4, 74251 Lehrensteinsfeld

Call a Sales Rep!

+49 (0) 6371 980 9018 (Landstuhl)
+49 (0)151 56 019 539 (WhatsApp available!)

Mo.-Fr. 09.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Sa. 09.00 - 16.00 Uhr

Satisfied Customer !!!


Here is Mr. Austin with car No 8 bought from us on our ‘Dream Car Program’!

We have access to 160,000 vehicles per week where we can locate your ‘Dream Car’ in the US. Our search is detailed down to your wants and tastes and the whole searching and purchasing process is done under full disclosure. We have so much success with this program and the customer always drives away happy! ????

Follow these steps, and this could be you…

????Step 1- Visit our website http://aaf-gmbh.com/dollar-savings-program/ and read into the ‘Dream Car Program’…

????Step 2- Give us a call +49 (0)9641 929 9196 and make an appointment to come by…

????Step 3- Find Your Dream Car…

????Step 4- Buy your Dream Car…

????Step 5- And we will deliver your Dream Car…????

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy! ????